Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Guide to adding to your Mafia without using a request!

The hardest part of growing your mafia is find tons of great people to add but being limited in the number of requests you have to actually add them to your mafia once they have friended you. There are two methods that can add people to your mafia without using a mafia wars invite (and having less requests to send gifts!).

The War Help Method

Once you are someone's friend, head to their facebook wall and search for a recent or active call for help for a war. Click on help. It doesn't matter if you are going to be too late for the war.

Look down the lists of the war for the person you just became facebook friends with. Next to their name should be a link to "add to mafia"

Click it and you will have added your mafia!

Force the War Help Link

If the player does not have an active war help, we can recreate the link used there to add the player to your mafia.

Code:{"friend_id":"facebook_id"}Copy this entire link. Replace the facebook_id with the ID number of the players facebook profile between the quotes. Go to the link and Walla! Added.

You can recreate this link for yourself, shorten it with a URL shortener like and post it to your add requests or in the profile box on your facebook profile for easy adding!


I hope this helps you happily add people to your mafia without using requests so you can happily send out Mystery Bags, Chop Shop Parts, and Weapons Depot parts to your mafia instead!

Hot Tip: Remember to be cautious in how many friend requests you send out in a day to be facebook friends. You do not want to be identified as a spammer by facebook!

mafia wars guide

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